Family travel to London (England)

Family travel to London (England) makes you feel like you are part of the royal family while you are sightseeing and watching Broadway shows. Think of it, so much to see and do: visit palaces, look out for royalty, view London from London Eye, attend Broadway musicals and shows, go for afternoon tea...

What to see?

Check out what musicals are playing and go see one! We saw Wicked and it was incredible!

See Crown Jewels, they are gorgeous. 

Visit the palaces, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, Sky Garden.


Fan of Harry Potter? Don't miss this!

Visit Warner Bros. Harry Potter London Studio. You don’t have to take a tour; you can go on the train and then there is a shuttle. You need to purchase tickets directly from the Warner Brother studio. If you have questions, contact us!

You can have Butterbeer (we are pretty sure it’s gluten free, not guaranteed), checkout Double Decker bus, push a cart to the platform 9 3/4, walk through the Dark Forest, command your broomstick, fly on the broomstick, and so much more!


gourmet food

Yummy food in London

Our favorite place to eat was in the food court of the Selfridges. So much selection, they did have a gluten-free bakery stand (pre-Covid). There was also gelato. Everyone satisfied, it was fast and delicious. 

Also, we visited the Borough Market, because there was also gluten-free stand and had delicious baked goods.

Our favorite photos in London