South Carolina


Family fun and camping in South Carolina

South Carolina is a wonderful state to spring break in! This was our first long trip with our iKamper. Initially, we were planning to go visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, but when we got there, it got quite cold. So, on the spur of the moment, we decided to go further where it would be warm. So, we ended up in South Carolina. 

By the way, if you initiate an impulsive trip, start driving, and all hotels are full on the way, you can park overnight in select Cracker Barrel locations. 

Once we made it to South Carolina, we found camping at Ocean Lakes Family Campground. We highly recommend it! It’s right on the beach, has great amenities, bathrooms are super clean!


Myrtle Beach

Take a dolphin sighting tour

Walk the beach

Rainbow Row (Charlestown)

Angel Oak Tree

city of Charlestown

Fort Sumter

Pineapple Fountain (Charlestown)

Many art galleries (Charlestown)

Have some ice cream